SUBOG invites you to ‘An Evening with Angela’

By: Julia Mancini

For: The Daily Campus

September 4th, 2018

If you have an observant eye, you might have noticed that on Tuesday, Sept. 4, all of SUBOG’s social media pages changed their names to “Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.” No, it’s not just because they really love “The Office,” it’s because on Thursday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m., Angela Kinsey is coming to the University of Connecticut for a look “Inside the Office” at Jorgensen Theater.

Tickets for the SUBOG comedy show will be available for free at the Jorgensen box office starting Wednesday morning until the night of the show. Students can get up to two tickets with their UConn ID.

SUBOG also hinted at Kinsey’s arrival with a quick clip of her in their promotional video featuring some of the year’s upcoming events.

Kinsey, known for her role as Angela on the hit NBC show “The Office,” will be participating in a moderated conversation with Comedy Chairman Colton Kopcik. For an hour, the two will talk openly about what it was like to be on the show, behind-the-scenes stories and Kinsey’s career as a woman in Hollywood.

“I want to find out the answers we all want to know,” Kopcik said of his expectations of the show. “What was it like to be there, to do it, to work with these incredibly funny people everyday. It was virtually 10 years and I think it’d be interesting to hear those stories: Steve Carell, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer. But I want to talk about some things outside of ‘The Office,’ too. She’s been in shows after that and I’d like to talk about what it’s like to be a woman in the entertainment industry.”

Students will also have an opportunity to submit their own questions for Kinsey to answer onstage by emailing or reaching out to them through social media.

“Everybody loves this show. I want students to be able to engage with it in a way that’s not just watching it in their dorm for the fifth time. This event is going to be an opportunity to engage with it on a different level,” Kopcik said.

“She’s been very popular in the last few weeks, especially on social media,” Kopcik said, noting the recent incident in which she was featured in a picture on her nephew’s Tinder profile. “I wanted to find a character students really liked…We started with a [social media] survey last year about everyone’s favorite TV show and, overwhelmingly, over 55 percent of UConn students said ‘The Office’ was their favorite TV show, so I knew I had to do something related to that.”

“It’s been SUBOG’s mission this year to start out with a bang. We want to show the new first-year students that SUBOG is here to put on great events for them and that was my mentality. Do it early, before the semester really gets going and people have tests and exams. Starting out early is a better option,” Kopcik said of the unusually early timing of the comedy event.

Wondering what you can expect from the SUBOG comedy committee this year?

“I want to say bigger and better,” Kopcik said. “Nick [Bartos] did a great job last year, he brought in some people that were really great, really funny and hit all different areas of comedy. My style is to decrease the number of shows in the Student Union so I can add another Jorgensen show or two. Those tend to be bigger names and that’s what I want to gear it towards.”

After seeing Kinsey live on Sept. 13, students can still look forward to a Student Union Stand-up series, the annual Spring Weekend show and a couple of other larger Jorgensen shows from the SUBOG comedy committee this year.